Search my blog for homework issues, books, curiosities, Web facts, help and many others. All these just here!
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Incepe scoala: :-) sau :-(
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
"Knowing" - a great mystery, drama and Sci-Fi story
Anyway, the movie presents the story of a teacher which opens a time capsule with drawings of the future made 50 years ago by some old students and gives an envelope with a drawing to every pupil at that school. An astro-physics professor's son gets a "drawing" with a lot of numbers, apparently random, which proves to be a...
Sunday, August 19, 2012
How to download an entire photo album from Facebook?
- PICK 'n ZIP it's a simple online software which downloads albums from your Facebook account, your friends' accounts or other accounts' albums in which you're tagged. You don't need to install anything on your computer, just log in to Facebook through and follow the steps there.
- If you navigate with Google Chrome (and if you don't, today it's a great day to start) download from the Chrome Webstore the DOWNLOAD Fb ALBUMS extension.
Friday, August 17, 2012
C++: The "strcat" and "strcpy" functions
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main ()
freopen("", "r", stdin);
freopen("problem.out", "w", stdout);
char x[1000],y[1000],z[1000];
int i;
//now we'll read the 2 strings from the input file
//in the next we'll copy the string "x" in the string "z"
Sunday, August 12, 2012
"Sea Rex: Journey to a Prehistoric World", only in IMAX
This movie has unbelievable effects and lets you see science come alive in an entertaining way, so I can say that Sea Rex deserves attention even just for its effects and technology.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
This fall redefines technology
Ending the generalization, let's see the spectacular releases concrete:
- iPhone 5 running iOS 6

iPhone 5 may have a curved design...
iPhone 5 is a very expected smart-phone, since before the release of iPhone 4S. As we already know, Apple doesn't show its creations before the official release, so we need to wait until September 12th, when it will see the light of stores. Of course, that there are enough rumors about how will it look like, so let's see some of them:
iPhone 5 is a very expected smart-phone, since before the release of iPhone 4S. As we already know, Apple doesn't show its creations before the official release, so we need to wait until September 12th, when it will see the light of stores. Of course, that there are enough rumors about how will it look like, so let's see some of them:
iPhone 5 may have a curved design...
![]() |
...or it may be transparent! |
Friday, August 3, 2012
Words in English that are often confused
- accept verb: Please accept this gift.
except preposition: every day except Friday.
- advice noun: He always gives good advice.
advise verb: I wouldn't advise doing that.
- affect verb: Tiredness affects concentration.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
iOS 6 coming this fall
"iOS 6 coming this fall!"
Thursday, July 26, 2012
The Yoyo Cell
SITUATION: "You, walking down the street, stressed about your discharged phone and bored to death... :-("Talking about the presented situation (which happens to everybody pretty often), we see that it comes with 2 problems, so 2 necessities. First: a phone charger and 2nd: a toy.
![]() |
The Yo yo Cell |
It has the basic functions of a phone and by dragging out its built-in earphones cable it turns into a yo yo. Playing with the yo yo, you charge the phone!!! Isn't it perfect?
![]() |
The Yoyo charge |
Would you buy a yo yo cell or a yo yo charger? I think the 2nd option is really interesting.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Top 10 Android apps for this summer
- Chomp SMS
- Tom's Messenger
- Blogaway
- Temple Run
- Galaxy S3 Dandelion LWP
- Birthdays - Free
- Season Zen Free
- Tripping Fest Drawing
- Bounce Classic
- See Now
P.S. The list is with apps about I thought that the probability to already have them installed is very less. If you don't use to visit my blog frequently, you also might like the following apps: Bouncy Mouse, Angry Birds, Laputa, Seesmic and Play.
C++: Diferente intre Borland C++ si MinGW
Diferentele dintre aceste 2 medii de programare sunt putine la nivel incepator, mediu si nu foarte avansat, insa la nivel profesionist acestea incep sa se inmulteasca. In acest articol, va voi prezenta CELE MAI SEMNIFICATIVE 7 DIFERENTE DINTRE BORLAND C++ SI MINGW, suficiente pentru categoria intai enumerata.
- Functia principala ("main") nu mai poate fi declarata de tip "void" (ca in Borland), ci doar de tip "int", implicand aparitia randului de comanda "return 0;", la sfarsitul programului.
- Dupa anumite biblioteci (precum "fstream", "iostream" si "algorithm") mai trebuie introdusa comanda pentru alocare de spatiu: "using namespace std;".
- ".h" - ul de la finalul tuturor bibliotecilor din Borland dispare in unele cazuri (ex. "fstream" si "iostream"), iar in celelalte cazuri se pastreaza (ex. "math.h" si "stdio.h") si se poate inlocui cu un "c" la inceput, ambele fiind corecte in MinGW (adica se poate scrie "stdio.h" sau "cstdio").
- Limitele se maresc foarte mult pentru tipurile de declarare a varibilelor, "int" ajungand aproape cat vechiul "long"!!!
- Programul primeste un "WARNING" daca nu este dat un "Enter" la sfarsitul sursei, astfel incat cursorul mouse-ului sa fie pe randul urmator, ca in imagine:
5 Curiosities about animals
Did you know that...
- the giraffe is pregnant 475 days and it can give birth to only one baby once?
- the jellyfish from the Turritopsis Nutricula species are immortal?
- the white rhino is the 2nd largest land animal, after the elephant?
- the wolf can move his eyes for 250 degrees?
- we have 98% genetical features common with the monkeys?

Friday, July 20, 2012
Introduction in Origami
The base of origami is folding the coloured paper, for representing different animals, birds, boats, flowers etc. obtained by various combinations of surfaces and lines. There is the possibility of creating a large diversity of figurines, which confers a plus of originality to this art.
Some people treated origami as a simple game, but the most of them considered it as art, due to the possibility to represent creatively and realistically different subjects. The true beauty of the origami art is...
Sunday, July 8, 2012
iGoogle will not be available anymore starting with November 1st, 2013!
How did Google come to this decision?
What will happen with our personal data stored on iGoogle's gadgets?
Citeste scrisoarea de protest de pe foaia de BAC a unui elev!
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Patratele perfecte ale numerelor mai mici ca <30
12=1 | 112=121 | 212=441 |
22=4 | 122=144 | 222=484 |
32=9 | 132=169 | 232=529 |
42=16 | 142=196 | 242=576 |
52=25 | 152=225 | 252=625 |
62=36 | 162=256 | 262=676 |
72=49 | 172=289 | 272=729 |
82=64 | 182=324 | 282=784 |
92=81 | 192=361 | 292=841 |
102=100 | 202=400 | 302=900 |
C++: Ciurul lui Eratostene
Pasul 1: Cream un sir de numere consecutive (de la 2) pana la maximul posibil precizat in restrictiile problemei.
Pasul 2: Incepem cu primul numar (2) si intr-un sir auxiliar cu exact atatea elemente ca primul (in care initial toate sunt 0) marcam multiplii numarului, prin transformarea in 1 a valorilor corespunzatoare acestora, din al IIlea sir.
Pasul 3: Luam urmatorul numar pentru care valoarea sa din al IIlea sir este 0 si repetam pasul 2 pentru numarul respectiv.
Pasul 4: .......
Les métiers
Le boulanger/la boulangère | La boulangerie | Pain, croissants |
Le médecin | L’hôpital | La santé |
Le chef | La cuisine | Des plats |
Le juge | La Salle d’Audience | La loi |
L’acteur/l’actrice | La scène | Des films, théâtre |
Le sculpteur/la sculptrice | L’atelier | Des sculptures |
Le chanteur/la chanteuse | La scène | La musique |
L’aviateur | L’avion, le ciel | Le voleur |
L’instituteur/l’institutrice | L’école | L’éducation |
Le constructeur | Le chantier | Des constructions |
Le tailleur/la tailleuse | L’atelier | Des confections |
Le pêcheur | La rivière, la flufe | Des poissons |
Le boucher | La boucherie | La viande |
Le journaliste | L’éditorial | Le journal |
Le vandeur/la vandrice | Le magasin | Viande, pain |
Le marine | La mer, l’océan | Des croisiérs |
Proprietatile patratului perfect
- Daca p/n2 => p2/n2 (p=un nr. prim)
- k=n2. Daca Dk={1, n, n2} => n=un nr. prim
- Un nr. este patrat perfect daca:
- se poate scrie ca n2
- Un nr. nu este patrat perfect daca:
- ultima cifra a sa este 2, 3, 7 sau 8
- ultimele doua cifre ale sale nu se gasesc printre: 00, 01, 21, 41, 61, 81, 04, 24, 44, 64, 84, 25, 16, 36, 56, 76, 96, 09, 29, 49, 69, 89
- este de forma: M3+2, M4+2, M4+3, M5+2, M5+3, ...
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Subiectul controversat de la Capacitate
Povestea fustelor scotiene
Cel mai celebru articol vestimentar scotian din toate timpurile este cu siguranta klit-ul, adica fusta scotiana in carouri, ce era si inca este purtata numai de barbati.
In vechime, klit-ul era purtat tot timpul, mai ales in timpul luptelor intre clanurile scotiene, unde se deosebeau dupa tartan.Tartanul reprezenta culorile si modelul carourilor fustei, fiecare model apartinand unui anumit clan regional scotian. Astazi klit-ul mai este purtat la nunti, botezuri si in general, la evenimentele traditionale.
Un obicei din zilele noastre este ca …
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Google celebrates the 100th anniversary of Alan Turing's birth
The Google Doodle represents a functional Turing Machine, with which you can play.
Jessie J. la Mamaia, pe 28 iulie, intrarea libera
Saturday, June 16, 2012
In pregatirea ultimei saptamani de scoala
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Arta romanica si stilul gotic
Arta romanica (sec. X-XII)
- CAPITELUL este reinventat si in locul influentelor antice ale stilurilor doric si corintic sunt inventate personaje monstruoase
- arcul rotund in bolta
- donjonul(turn de observatie) ...
Friday, June 8, 2012
Thursday, June 7, 2012
C++: Descompunerea in factori primi
Descompunerea in factori primi (sau descompunerea canonica) este un algoritm foarte util, chiar unul dintre cei de baza.
Cu ajutorul algoritmului obtinem fiecare factor din descompunere alaturi de puterea la care apare si, in randurile de mai jos, le afisam:
cout<<f<<” “<<p;
“f” reprezinta factorul, iar “p” puterea.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
"Heidi" - summary help / test
By solving the excercices below you will see which parts of the book you need to read again and after that you will can do the summary of "Heidi", by Johanna Spyri, with no problems.
1. Answer these questions:
- What happened to Heidi's parents?
- Why did Dete take Heidi to Grandfather's house?
Friday, June 1, 2012

In unele orase, in scoli, orele de curs au fost inlocuite cu jocuri, concursuri, ore de lucru manual (olarit etc.) si multe altele, iar primariile au impartit cadouri micutilor.
Deasemenea, pentru cei care se tem de aglomeratii, trebuie spus ca atmosfera de sarbatoare se va prelungi pe intregul week-end!
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Samsung Galaxy xCover: a "rugged" smartphone

Since now, this will never happen again! Today I'm going to present you a "rugged" smartphone: SAMSUNG GALAXY XCOVER! It is dust-proof, water-proof, shock-resistant and it has the latest "Gorilla Glass" touch-screen, but xCover is not just an incredible resistant smartphone: his OS is...
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Stiati ca...
- in China si Thailanda, la numerotarea caselor, se "sare" peste cifra 4?
- cel mai lung cuvant din limba romana este pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcaniconioza?
- tara cu cele mai mari castiguri zilnice este Panama, din America Centrala?
- cuvantul "COP" din engleza americana este de fapt un acronim, de la "Constable on Patrol" din engleza britanica, unde inseamna "politisti in patrulare"?
- multe dintre telefoane au o incarcare de rezerva in baterie de aproape 50%, care se activeaza la apelarea codului *3370#?
- Leonardo da Vinci a inventat foarfeca?
- dalmatienii se nasc fara nicio pata?

Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Albert Einstein
Einstein lived in the 20th century and he made huge progresses in Physics and Mathematics.
He was known as a good person and he like to help kids. Einstein was married twicw and he had a daughter and two sons.
His theories wore and still are very controversed and missunderstood, especially The Special Relativity.
He was born on the 14th of March, in 1879, in Germany and he died on the 18th of April, in 1955, in United States. During his life, Albert Einsteinlived in 7 countries and received 6 different citizenships
Einstein's notable awards are:
- Nobel prize in Physics (1921)
- Matteucci Medal (1921)
- Copley Medal (1925)
- Max Planck Medal (1929)
- Time Person of the Century (1999)
C++: Functia “sort”, cea mai rapida metoda de sortare a vectorilor
Aceasta functie se numeste sort si face parte din biblioteca <algorithm>. Iata-i codul in program pentru cazul ordonarii crescatoare a vectorului “v” cu “n” elemente, care a fost citit incepand cu pozitia 0:
sort(v, v+n);In cazul in care scrierea in vector se incepe de pe pozitia 1, apelarea functiei va arata astfel:
sort(v+1, v+n+1);Poate ca acum ma veti intreba cum se realizeaza ordonarea descrescatoare. Ei bine, pentru aceasta mai trebuie definita de catre utilizator urmatoarea functie (pentru a afla cum se defineste o functie vezi articolul: Functii definite de catre utilizator) :
bool descr(<tip> a, <tip> b)
Saturday, May 12, 2012
C++: Interclasarea
![]() |
Varianta I, cu un timp de executie ridicat |
Algoritmul cel mai rapid pentru problema data se numeste INTERCLASARE si este foarte cunoscut si important, dar nu pentru incepatori (primul an de studiu). Mai jos, dupa urmarirea unei analize pas cu pas (cu imagini si explicatiile aferente acestora) a unui exemplu concret de interclasare pe vectori, pentru a intelege ideea de la baza interclasarii, veti gasi algorimul ce realizeaza procedeul descris.
Evaluare in Educatie - Etapa a III-a
In cadrul concursului, fiecare sectiune este independenta si se desfasoara in 3 etape + 1 nationala. Participarea la primele 3 etape se face fara calificare, iar daca obtii 100/100 pct. la oricare dintre etape te califici la etapa nationala.
Subiectele de la primele etape nu sunt foarte grele si se incadreaza in programa scolara facuta pana la momentul desfasurarii concursului, deci va recomand sa mergeti la concurs, deoarece nici premiile nu sunt de neglijat.
Rezultatele le puteti gasi pe site-ul oficial al concursului,
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Seesmic: a great social app
For all the platforms there are a free and a paid version, but I sustain that the free version is more than enough, at least the one for Android (there are a few differences between the features that appear on Android and the ones that are on iOS, BlackBerry and PC). On the PC you also can make free video calls!!
To bring an account in the Seesmic app means to have access to your Wall, friends, photos, posts, profile, pages, notifications etc.
But what is so revolutionary at Seesmic? Well, actually...
Unghiuri determinate de doua drepte taiate de o secanta
- O dreapta se numeste secanta a 2 drepte daca intersecteaza cele 2 drepte in puncte diferite.
- (Figura 1): Dreapta d este secanta a dreptelor a si b deoarece

![clip_image002[10] clip_image002[10]](
- (Figura 2): 2 drepte determina cu o secanta 8 unghiuri care, imperecheate intr-un anumit mod, poarta diferite denumiri, dupa pozitiile pe care le ocupa fata de dreptele date. Astfel:
- unghiurile 3 si 5 sau 4 si 6 se numesc alterne interne
- unghiurile 1 si 7 sau 2 si 8 se numesc alterne externe
- unghiurile 3 si 6 sau 4 si 5 se numesc interne de acceasi parte a secantei
- unghiurile 1 si 8 sau 2 si 7 se numesc externe de acceasi parte a secantei
- unghiurile 1 si 5, 4 si 8, 2 si 6 sau 3 si 7 se numesc corespondente

Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Pastelul - definitie
- o specie a genului liric (un text alcatuit din versuri, grupate in strofe si cu elemente de prozodie: rima, ritm si masura)
- prezentarea unui tablou de natura (descriere lirica), pentru care se folosesc:
-multe figuri de stil si imagini artistice
- un text in care nu apar marci lexico-gramaticale ale prezentei eului liric, atitudinea acestuia fiind contemplativa (priveste detasat)
- un termen ce provine din pictura, unde desemna un desen facut cu creioane moi
- o specie introdusa